Robert Rose of Danville is a popular name among the real estate agents across the state for his specific unparallel personalized service. He started his journey as a full time real estate investor with the foundation of the Rob Rose Group Investment Company in 1998. The same year, he was titled by the Bay East Association of Realtors as the ‘Rookie of the Year’. For the five consecutive years thereon, he was ranked among the Top 100 Realtors nationwide. At the tender age of 24, all these achievements and many more were based solely on one motto. That was to keep the consumer satisfaction on his priority, along with the relentless desire to create a winning situation for each one of them.
Robert Rose made a commitment to himself to go far beyond his client’s expectations and put his best efforts for the positive outcome of the result for each client. This has been projected in his success in the real estate dealings in all these years. He offers you with the complete package of the real estate investment, where not only the unique personal needs are satisfied but you are also provided with high quality real estate deals. The unparalleled personalized service and the individual attention which he gives to his customers have put him at the top of his field in the real estate investment industry.
Being awarded as the #1 Home Seller in Dublin City of California, Robert Rose had been placed in the top 1% out of nearly 900,000 Realtors across the nation. It immensely helped in creating a sturdy reputation for him to be the best choice among all the real estate agents. Inspite of the diverse honors and awards he had been given for his real estate services all along 24 years, Rob Rose feels a sense of pride and satisfaction only when he gets a heart-felt ‘thank-you’ from his clients. He takes out his time to get to know the clients well, and gives a special attention to their individual needs and concerns.
The fact that 68% of Rob’s annual business comes from the previous customers and references; it clearly depicts the dedication with which he has been pursuing his real estate business and transactions. It amounts to standing-up to the enormous faith and trust shown by his clients who have benefited immensely from the unparallel personalized service by Rob Rose.